These are first aid tips, please remember it is best to get your pet to the vet as soon as possible.
If your pet has been involved in a traffic accident or hit by a car:
- Be careful! Ensure you are not in danger of being struck by a car or bitten by your pet. When an animal is in pain and shock they may bite or snap even if that is not a usual behaviour for your pet.
- If they are unconscious check if they are breathing and their heart is beating, if not perform CPR (link to CPR page)
- Minimise movement to avoid further pain and trauma, carry in a sling, box or cage if possible, especially if you suspect there are any broken bones
- If there is any active bleeding apply pressure to the area preferably with a clean cloth/towel or sanitary pad. Apply constant pressure until bleeding stops or you arrive at the vet.
- Broken bones may occasionally penetrate through the overlying skin, if this is the case please cover with a clean cloth/towel to prevent excessive contamination of the area
Before you come to the vet please ensure:
- You have directions to our clinic and our phone number (link to find us and contact us)
- If possible call us on the way so we can be expecting you
- You drive safely!